Becky Kiphart
Children's Ministries

Early Childhood Program Leader
Family: Rory (husband) and 7 children, 5 of them married or attached, 7 grandchildren
How did you first come to WCC? I moved 3 doors down from Denny 26 years ago. One day, shortly after moving in, Denny was on a run and stopped by to introduce himself and said he was the pastor of WCC. That little act of kindness was all it took and I have called WCC my home ever since.
What was one of your childhood dreams? I wanted to be a jockey (because I am short and I love horses).
Do you have a hero or someone you look up to? My husband. He can truly do anything and everything.
Spare Time: Take walks. Hang out with family.
Favorite sports team: My family is divided between the Colts and the Packers, so I root for the Chiefs.
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