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Weekly Reading: Romans 12-16
Passages Referenced: John 3:16 & Romans 15:13

I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit. – Romans 15:13

Without hope in Jesus Christ, the world can often be filled with fear and angst. When we rely on our hope in Christ, it brings joy, peace, and the confidence that this world is not our home. Often our final words to friends and loved ones are words that are personal and give reassurance. The same comfort that Paul expressed in his last words to his friends in Rome can be applied to us today.

What do these words reveal about the character of God and what He wants for his people? God desires us to not live life as if this is all there is. We have the hope of eternal life with the creator of the universe who loves us beyond what we can comprehend. (For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. – John 3:16) Through the power of the Holy Spirit, hope is strengthened in us the more we are confident in believing in the promises of God. He is the source of all hope.

Stop a moment and reflect on some of the promises you know about God. Here are a few examples for you:

God is…
a promise keeper (Romans 4:21)
your hiding place (Psalm 32:7).
your shield (Psalm 18:30)

God will…
be with you always (Deuteronomy 31:8)
give you rest (Matthew 11:28)
meet all of your needs (Philippians 4:19)
comfort you (Isaiah 66:13)

In addition to the seven statements above, what other truths or promises came to mind? Spend some time reflecting on how these have been true in your life. Repeat these in your mind as you start your day and when you rest at night. Sometimes, if I cannot sleep at night, I take each letter of the alphabet and identify the attributes and promises of God. For example: “You are all-knowing, God. You are not bound by time. You are in control…” Doing this prevents me from worrying about worldly things and puts my focus on the truths of who God is.

God desires us to be so confident in the hope we have in Him that this hope overflows. He doesn’t want us to have a little hope here and a little hope there. When something overflows, it is so full that the contents go over and beyond. How do you reflect the hope of the gospel to the world around you? Does it shine so bright that people are drawn to it?

Take time to pray and meditate on who God is, asking Him to fill you with a fresh hope in Him. May the confidence of heaven and an eternity spent with our loving, heavenly Father bring you joy and peace.

– Bonnie Swanson