Students in Warsaw Community Schools are back in session, and thanks to WCC and the Warsaw community, they began the new year with the supplies they needed to have a successful year. WCC’s Back-to-School campaign, which ran from July 9 to 30, provided an opportunity for the WCC church body to give generously of its time and resources, in support of several community initiatives. These include:
“The WCC church body never ceases to amaze me with their generosity” said Greg Demopoulos, pastor of outreach and evangelism at WCC. “For the third year in a row since coming out of COVID, we have demonstrated our desire to make a difference for vulnerable children and families in our community. The success of the WCC Back-to-School drive shows that our eyes, ears and hearts are open to the hurting people around us while opening even more doors for partnerships that allow us to share the love of Christ with our neighbors. Thank you to everyone who participated in some way and for your continued obedience to God’s mission.”
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