. . .so that. . .

Have you ever considered why you are here? Not in some new age-y, abstract way, but in a why are you in this community, during this time in history, with these relationships, doing the things you do, being part of this church kind of way?
The Bible teaches that God sent Jesus ….so that… we could have a personal relationship with Him as our savior. We gather to grow in our knowledge and relationship with Jesus ….so that… we can go into our community to help a hurting world. You have been given gifts, talents, and experiences ….so that… you can use those as tools to build authentic relationships that help guide others toward Jesus. At WCC, we believe that God has you right where you are ….so that… He can use you to love your neighbor and share the hope of the Gospel.
Join us for a new series ….so that… you can learn more about the role you play in God’s story and in the stories of the people in our community, during this time, through these relationships, while doing the things you do, growing as part of this church.
August 22, 2021 - September 5, 2021
. . .so that. . . - Week 1 Aug 22
. . .so that. . . - Week 2 Aug 29
. . .so that. . . - Week 3 Sep 5
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