Fulfilling The Great Commission
“I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” — Matthew 28:18-20 (NLT)
These are Jesus’ final words to his disciples—the Great Commission. God also clearly directs us, today’s disciples, to share the Gospel with others, from our neighborhoods to the far corners of the world. WCC Missions offers a variety of opportunities to become engaged with this important work.
What to Know
Upcoming Events

Mar 16 | 9:00 am to 10:00 am
Gospel Going Global (G3)
Adults/Young Adults/Students

May 4 | 9:00 am to 10:00 am
Missions Prayer Meeting
Adults/Young Adults
Our Global Partners
WCC partners with churches and missions organizations overseas to help effectively spread the Good News of God’s love to countries and people groups who may have never heard the Gospel.
WCC also supports missionaries in closed countries. For information on how to support these critical workers, please reach out to the contact(s) listed at the bottom of this page.

2nd Mile Missions

Ben and Krista Balke Family

Beth Baleke

Chris and Evie Jones

Clark and Mary Kay Shepherd Family

Dan and Carmen Hale

Dan and Madison Murphy

Dickens Ssenyonjo

Jason and Shae Brown

Jim Brenneman

Pastor W. S.

Roger and Kareen Reyes

Shayne and Leda Shelburne Family

Summer Zimmer

World Compassion Network

Join a Missions Pit Crew
Looking for a special way to serve at WCC? Participate in a Missions Pit Crew and help the church connect with and care for its mission partners! Just as an Indianapolis 500 pit crew supports its driver, God uses us to support missionaries and help them share the Gospel around the world.

Wayumi Retreat
Join WCC for the next Wayumi Retreat and experience God’s global mission. This fun and fascinating weekend will open your eyes to your role in God’s story and to the practical ways you can become involved in spreading the Gospel to those who’ve never heard it.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where are the most common places WCC has mission partners?
Some of the areas in which WCC has global mission partnerships are Papua New Guinea, Honduras, Haiti, the Balkans, East Africa, the Middle East, and Asia.
How do I give towards WCC Missions?
If you give to WCC, a portion of that gift will go to support our annual missions budget. You also can give specifically toward missions projects by writing “Missions” in the memo of your check or digital payment. You can also contribute to the annual “WCC Care Fund” at the end of the calendar year.
What is a missions pit crew?
A Missions Pit Crew is a small group of people that meets regularly to serve a specific mission partner. Their primary ministry is listening to and learning about a partner and their work. In almost every case, a pit crew becomes a close-knit support network for the missionary. Consistent and informed prayer is the other important way a pit crew serves their partner.