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Posted by: WCC

From Tuesday, June 25, to Thursday, June 27, WCC’s Sonlight Children’s Ministries launched Jesus Amazes Me (JAM) Camp for kids from kindergarten to fourth grade. This was an entirely in-house camp, utilizing WCC’s campus, to help children develop skills in and appreciation for different expressions of worship. WCC leaders taught six electives while campers had an opportunity to practice what they were learning.

The greater purpose of JAM Camp was to provide a child-appropriate, faith-forming resource to families either nominally connected or not connected at all to WCC. As an event mainly promoted outside WCC in the community, the camp drew 87 campers for the week. 30 volunteers led the camp, 12 of which were middle schoolers as an opportunity for them to lead based on their experiences from youth group.

“JAM Camp was a great experience for both campers and leaders,” said Ryan Langeland, Pastor of Children and Students. “This event allowed us to continue relationships with Warsaw families and begin many new ones. Our leaders were absolutely fantastic at leading young hearts and minds and sharing their expertise in worship. We are confident that this event was formative in the worship lives of so many.”


Ryan Langeland

Pastor of Children and Students

574-268-0188 x271

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