1st - 3rd Grade
First through third graders have fun exploring how to live as Christ-followers through structured play, worship, large group teaching, and small group interactions. Meeting at 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., your children will become familiar with the Bible’s Old and New Testaments along with the ideas of prayer, worship, baptism, and a personal faith in Jesus Christ.
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Frequently Asked Questions
When is my child ready to transition from Pre-K and Kindergarten to the Elementary age bracket in Sonlight Ministries?
The Elementary program is designed specifically for children who are learning at the first through third grade level.
What can my child expect in the Elementary class?
The Elementary program will feel comfortably familiar to your child as the structure is similar to the Pre-K and Kindergarten structure. Students have times of play, large group teaching, and activities in small groups.
Where does the Elementary class meet?
The Elementary program meets downstairs on the lower level of WCC.
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