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Baptism Check-in

Welcome and register children and adults for our baptism classes and celebration.

/ Greet & Guide / Children / Adults

Baptism Greeter

Warmly greet the children and adults attending our baptism classes and celebration.

/ Greet & Guide / Children / Adults

Coffee/Tea Server

Serve coffee and tea and make people feel at home at WCC. It is our goal to show God’s love through serving people well.

/ Greet & Guide / Adults / Monthly

Community Care Helping Hands

Assist people with minor home repairs and maintenance, minor auto repairs, and helping people move.

/ Help / Adults

Community Life ESL Conversation Coach

Engage in English conversations around the table with 4-5 adult students for 20-30 minutes per class, no Spanish experience r

/ Help / Adults / Weekly / Community Life ESL

MOMS Volunteer

Provide a caring environment for children of various ages, so moms’ can participate in specific ministry opportunities.

/ Connect / Children / Adults / Monthly

Safety Team Dispatcher

Through monitoring of cameras, should an issue arise, our safety team dispatcher would alert our safety team members.

/ Help / Adults / Monthly

Sonlight Check-in

Enthusiastically welcome and register children and parent(s) into Sonlight.

/ Greet & Guide / Children / Adults / Monthly

Sonlight Small Group Leader

Shepherd a small group of children by building relationships with them

/ Connect / Adults / Every Sunday

Student Ministries Adult Leader

Looking for male and female to help us supervise during various events.

/ Help / Adults

The River Volunteer

Provide a caring environment for children of various ages, so moms’ can participate in specific ministry opportunities.

/ Connect / Children / Adults / Monthly


Capture special events via camera.

/ Create / Adults

Women’s Ministries Event Greeter

Greet women with a warm, friendly smile at Bible studies and women’s events.

/ Greet & Guide / Adults
