Sermon Topic
Sermons which related to stewardship in the Christian life.

Entrusted With Treasure
“God loves a cheerful giver. “We have all heard these words from 2 Corinthians, but what do they really mean, and how should they be applied to our daily lives? Christ has given us everything, and as a result, we should live a life guided by gratitude, a life that shapes how we respond to the needs of those around us. This newfound “response-ability” allows us to truly worship the Lord in spirit and truth as we freely share our time, talents and treasures. Join us for “EnTRUSTed with Treasure,” Part 1 of a new three-part series that will open our eyes to the reality that God has entrusted us with treasures so we can be generous Christ followers and live free of the fear of scarcity that is so prevalent in today’s world.