Sermon Series and Media
Revisit Past Sermons & Teaching Series

Silent Mode
Prayer is often defined as communication with God. It can take the form of praise or thanks, it can be a confession, or it can be a request. Because there are so many types of prayer, does how we pray matter? Join us for the four-part sermon series “Silent Mode” as we explore how to grow in our faith through prayer, specifically by praying conversationally and praying bigger and bolder prayers. We’ll also seek to understand why we sometimes feel God isn’t hearing or answering our prayers, and we’ll learn the importance of praying in the moment and praying “Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”

Two Becoming One
Healthy marriages are part of God’s design, and God’s design is best. When two people come together and pursue oneness, God is honored, and the couple is blessed. Join us for this three-part series that delves into what biblical marriage looks like, misconceptions about Christian marriage — including “happiness” in marriage — and grace and compromise in marriage. God has more for you. Come and learn how to become one in your marriage as you follow the Holy Spirit’s lead in your relationship.

Global Outreach Sunday
Sam Peña, Pastor of Hispanic Ministries, leads worship for this unique bilingual service, and Drew Scholl, former WCC missions partner and Ethnos360 missionary, speaks on working in unity to share the Gospel in our community and around the world. In addition, missions partners give updates on their ministry and share their stories during the service.

Alpha and Omega
Join us as we explore the reality and implications of Jesus’s resurrection found in Revelation 1 and learn how His resurrection should instill in us a desire to reflect His light in our daily lives.

When Jesus entered the holy city of Jerusalem, He was met with crowds who proclaimed Him King. They waved palm branches and shouted, “Hosannah in the highest.” By the end of the week, those same people were shouting for His crucifixion. Join us for three weeks of reflection on Jesus’ death and resurrection, the core of the Christian faith.

Down to Earth
Christ was fully God and fully man. John 1 tells us “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” Jesus was God incarnate. He came down to earth because of His great love for a world desperately in need of a Savior. Join us for the eight-week series “Down to Earth” as we delve into John 1–12 and explore Jesus’s character and ministry so we can truly understand that Christ’s divinity and humanness define who we are in Him. Learn how His life and teachings should instill in us the desire to grow in our spiritual disciplines (Bible reading, evangelism, gratitude, memorization, prayer, serving, etc.) so we can better see the world through His eyes and respond to the Holy Spirit’s guidance to share the hope of the Gospel with a hurting world.

Baptism and Temptation
Join us for this standalone sermon to learn how baptism and temptation are connected—how baptism (salvation) and temptation (suffering) are never separated.

Entrusted With Treasure
“God loves a cheerful giver. “We have all heard these words from 2 Corinthians, but what do they really mean, and how should they be applied to our daily lives? Christ has given us everything, and as a result, we should live a life guided by gratitude, a life that shapes how we respond to the needs of those around us. This newfound “response-ability” allows us to truly worship the Lord in spirit and truth as we freely share our time, talents and treasures. Join us for “EnTRUSTed with Treasure,” Part 1 of a new three-part series that will open our eyes to the reality that God has entrusted us with treasures so we can be generous Christ followers and live free of the fear of scarcity that is so prevalent in today’s world.

God and Sinners Reconciled
The Advent season provides an opportunity for us to grasp the wonder of Christ’s grace, presence and peace and the hope we have through His birth. Join us for the four-part sermon series “God and Sinners Reconciled” as we explore the first chapter of Colossians and explore God’s character, heart and desire to live among us through Jesus. This Christmas, let’s remember Christ’s birth, sacrificial death and return to glory—the facets of the Advent season that lead to the best gifts we’ll ever receive—a restored relationship with God and life everlasting.

Sharing Hope
Christianity began with a small group of Jewish people in a backwater town 2,000 years ago and grew to become the largest faith group in the world. The Gospel spread quickly, and it continues to move and grow as faithful believers share the hope that is in them. Join us for “Sharing Hope,” a four-part series that explores the ways the Gospel creates hope and how that hope impacts our lives, our community, our church and our world.

Today’s world is ready and willing to tell us how we should think, feel and act. We are eager to conform to the world’s standards because we don’t want to stand out. But as Christians, we are called to be like Jesus, which means standing out. We should strive to live a life that is countercultural to the world’s pursuits, following the Gospel and allowing God to change the way we think and act. In 1 Corinthians, Paul instructed the people of Corinth to live counterculturally and break free from the immoral and divided lives they were living. The seven-week sermon series “Counterculture” delves into the model Paul provided the Corinthians to help them transform their lives, a model that holds true for us today as we seek to live counterculturally and live lives filled with love, peace, faithfulness and unity.

Jesus Is …
Who is Jesus? He is The Alpha and Omega, the Creator, the Door, the Great I AM, the Lamb of God, the Vine, the Word and our Hope and Deliverer. We know these to be truth, but some say Jesus was just a prophet, a teacher, a man. Others say He was a liar, a lunatic and a fraud. Throughout history, people of all ages and ethnicities across the world have had a lot to say about who Jesus is. But what about you? Do you see and know Him for who He says He is and what He has done? Have you received Him into your life and are you trusting and loving Him above all else? Learn who the Scriptures say Jesus is in this eight-week series.

Truth over Tradition
How often have we been so blinded by traditions we overlook the truth behind them? Traditions can range from giving gifts on Christmas morning and watching fireworks displays on the Fourth of July to the celebration of baptism and the sacrament of Holy Communion. Join us this Sunday, July 2, as Pastor Sam Peña shares from John 5 to help us understand how God’s truths are deeper than any tradition.

Soul Reflection
As human beings, we deal with a variety of emotions and issues every day. From anxiety and depression to fear and loneliness, life can get the better of us. So, how do we prepare ourselves when overwhelming thoughts invade our minds and souls? “Soul Reflection” is an eight-week series that will shed light on what the soul is and help us understand that how we nurture and care for our souls plays a pivotal role in how we view our circumstances and the world around us. The series will also explain how just like nature, our souls fluctuate through four seasons: renewal and nourishment (spring), beauty and warmth (summer), productivity coupled with exhaustion (fall) and weariness and cold (winter). Despite the ebbs and flows, however, one constant remains—our hope is in Jesus Christ.

Denny Wilson, founding pastor, kicks off Missions Week talking about the importance of properly understanding our faith and the impact that understanding has on missions.