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Posted by: WCC

To help support relief efforts for those affected by the deadly earthquake in Turkey and Syria, which has taken thousands of lives and caused significant damage to structure across the region, WCC is donating $10,000 to World Compassion Network from the church’s Disaster Relief Fund, one of the funds supported by the annual year-end Care Fund campaign.

WCN, a WCC missions partner, is working in conjunction with First Hope Association, a reliable Christian organization on the ground in Turkey. FHA is sending out rescue teams, feeding and providing supplies for those that are displaced and sharing the hope of the Gospel.

“The best way WCC can help right now is through prayer and donations,” said Tyler Snow, Disaster Relief Coordinator, World Compassion Network. “Christianity is all but outlawed in Turkey, so there is a desperate need for the Gospel to break through and impact Turkish lives. Please pray that in the midst of the chaos, death and destruction, the Turkish people will turn their hearts towards Christ.”

Checks can also be mailed to World Compassion Network, P.O. Box 1152, Warsaw, IN 46581. Donations should be earmarked “Turkey Relief.”


Erica Hart

Growth and Maturity Coordinator

574-268-0188 x232

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