Eleven New Stephen Ministers Join WCC Ministry
Thursday, January 11, 2024
Eleven individuals were commissioned as Stephen Ministers during services at WCC Jan. 7. The new Stephen Ministers will join the church’s other 32 active ministers, bringing the total to 43. These trainees committed to 40-plus hours of training over a 16-week period—two hours per week—and have agreed to a two-year commitment in their role as a Stephen Minister.
Since the program launched at WCC in 2017, 82 people have been trained as Stephen Ministers. Stephen Ministers care for people in the congregation and the community who have been thrown an unexpected and overwhelming curveball. Stephen Ministers provide one-to-one, Christ-centered care to those who are hurting and walk alongside them to provide comfort, support and encouragement.
Stephen Minister care is available to everyone. People requesting care meet with the ministry’s leadership team for a needs assessment. After a fitting minister-receiver match is made, the pair meets, usually once a week for as long the receiver needs care. Stephen Ministers partner with one care receiver at a time.
The Stephen Ministry leadership team consists of Kris Cultice, Loni Faas, Joy Lavender and Cookie Wilson.
“Confidentiality is very important to us,” said Kris, who trained to become a Stephen Minister in 2017 and was commissioned in 2018. “Stephen Ministers are the care giver, but God is the cure giver. Pairing a Stephen Minister and a care recipient is an important process. It is very important that the pair is properly matched because these relationships can last up to a year.”
WCC’s newest Stephen Ministers are Brenda Allbritten, Dave Allbritten, Elizabeth Augustine, Cheryl Clawson, Ken Clawson, Karla Cosgrove, Eva Mudd, Shaun Mudd, Bob Shoemaker, Teri Jo Smith and Anna Spalding.
To receive the care of a Stephen Minister, complete a Care Request Form, or contact Nate Metler at 574-378-7765.

Stephen Ministers: The “After People”
Stephen Ministers are there after:
- The phone call you hoped you’d never get.
- The divorce papers are served, and the bottom falls out of your life.
- The funeral, when you’re alone and your emotions come crashing in on you.
- The doctor says, “I’m sorry, but there’s nothing more we can do.”
- The nursing home director shakes your hand and says, “Welcome to your new home.”
- Your youngest child honks, waves and drives away—and the house suddenly seems empty.
- The gavel comes down, the handcuffs go on, and your loved one is led away.
- The baby arrives, with more demands than you ever dreamed possible.
- You find a pink slip with your paycheck.
- You’ve shared your story numerous times, but you still need to talk it out.
Source: stephenministries.org
Stephen Ministry at WCC by the Numbers
- 6 people have been trained as Stephen Leaders.
- 11 new Stephen Ministers were trained in 2023.
- 22 care giver/receiver relationships, on average, are active each year.
- 32 Stephen Ministers are available to provide care.
- 82 people have been trained as Stephen Ministers.
- 250 people have received care.
- 4,500 total hours of care have been provided.