January: Invest In Our Future
Monday, January 3, 2022
This month’s Life on Mission challenges are all about investing in our future. Who are the future mayors, business owners, teachers, pastors, coaches, moms and dads in our community? They are in classrooms all around us. Watch this video from Dr. David Robertson as he explains practical ways to get involved, spend time in prayer, and continue to check the Life on Mission page for additional details, ideas, and opportunities. Need more help or have an idea, let us know. The key is being obedient in taking a step toward serving wherever God leads.
- Week 1: (Our students are the future-and you can make an impact) Have you recently stopped to think about the future of our community? Our future mayors, business owners, executives, teachers, moms and dads, pastors, counselors and other leaders are sitting in classrooms all over our community. This month’s challenge is to get involved with our local schools to pour into the staff and the students in these buildings! Today, take some time to pray for teachers, school staff members, administration leaders, and board members in your local school corporation. Consider committing to praying for them on a regular basis as they actively pour into the future of our community.
- Week 2: (School Teams) WCC currently has 5 school teams that are active in our local school corporations! We have teams connected to Akron, Claypool, Eisenhower, Mentone, and Pierceton Elementary Schools. These teams are connecting with school principals, receptionists, teachers, nurses, and other staff to see what current needs are and how WCC can help meet those needs. Join one of these teams to hear of opportunities to help in these schools and to be a part of what God is doing in these buildings! Contact Laura Robertson at lrobertson@warsaw.cc to get involved.
- Week 3: (Get involved in a local school) As we look at tangible ways to serve the students in our community, one very easy way is to volunteer at your local elementary, middle, or high school. Not sure what you can do? Start by emailing a teacher you know or by calling the school to see what the needs are and be open to helping in any way you can. Become a substitute, write encouraging notes to staff members, bring in treats for staff, offer to read with children or help at lunch and recess. God can use you in many different ways, as long as you are willing to hear the needs and meet them as you are able to!
- Week 4: (Write a Note of Encouragement) In a world of fast responses and quick interactions, a handwritten note of thanks and/or encouragement can make a big impact. Consider writing a thank you note to your child or grandchild’s teacher, janitor, specials teacher, principal, school nurse, etc. Don’t have relatives in the school system? Reach out to your local school to see if you can get a list of staff to encourage or ask Laura Robertson (lrobertson@warsaw.cc) for recommendations.
To learn more about Life on Mission click here.
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