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Posted by: WCC

Sonlight children and their families recently raised more than $1,970 to cover the cost of education for four children at 2nd Mile Education Center and Hope Academy in the Dominican Republic. Each of Sonlight’s four classrooms, Early Childhood (Jose Daniel), PreK/K (David), G123 (Yelfran) and C456 (Genesis), sponsored a child. The fundraiser ran from February to May.

“It’s awesome that our children and families can be connected to the children and families in the Dominican Republic through their generous donations, support and prayer,” said Brooke Price, Pastor of Children’s Ministries. This is a project we look forward to participating in every year!”

2nd Mile Missions was founded in 2006 to provide much-needed education for children in the Dominican Republic who are excluded from school because of their economic status. Sonlight has partnered with 2nd Mile Missions for the past 13 years.

Anyone interested in sponsoring a student at $45 a month can visit the 2nd Mile Missions website. Students who currently need a sponsor can be viewed by clicking the “Sponsor a Child” button. The list will be updated in September for the new school year.


Ryan Langeland

Pastor of Children and Student Ministries

574-268-0188 x271

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Rachel Parker

Children's Ministries Administrator

574-268-0188 x240

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