Growth and Maturity
Sermon Topic

Current: Origin Stories: The Beginning
Genesis 1-2 set the foundation of Scripture by communicating the character of God, the creation of man, and God’s relationship with his creation before the fall. Genesis 3-4 unfolds with the fall of humanity into sin, and God’s promise to save, and to judge, and to restore his creation. By laying this foundation, people will walk away knowing God better, understanding the weight of sin, and the beauty of the promise of God through his grace and mercy.

Starting Point
In this series, pastors lay out the meaning of Truth, Birth Truth, Identity Truth, and Growth Truth.

The Quest
Join us as we follow up the previous Sunday’s message on “looking forward” in 2025, diving deeper in WCC’s new quest!

Join us as we examine our modern day idols, based on the book Counterfeit Gods. Counterfeit Gods by Tim Keller explores the dangers of idolatry in modern life, showing how we often elevate wealth, success, relationships, and power to the status of ultimate importance, replacing God. Keller emphasizes that these “counterfeit gods” ultimately lead to disappointment and destruction, as they cannot provide the lasting hope and meaning that only God can offer.

The Way, the Truth, and the Life
In the Gospel of John, Jesus reveals Himself not only as a teacher but as the very foundation of truth, life, and the way to the Father. This sermon series will dive deep into the central messages of Christ, as He declares, “I am the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6). Through these teachings, we’ll explore how Jesus provides guidance for our journey, illuminates the reality of God’s kingdom, and offers eternal life to those who believe in Him. Each week, we’ll unpack how these three aspects of Christ’s identity are not just theological ideas but transformative truths for everyday living, drawing us closer to God.

Step Out
Join us for our three week “Step Out” series where we focus on using our gifts, expertise, and experiences to follow God’s calling for us to serve. Along with this series, WCC will be hosting a Volunteer Expo before and after services on those days. We are excited to “Step Out” and serve together!

Content In Christ
Join us this Sunday as we explore singleness and how God created humankind to live in community with one another in various types of relationships.

Two Becoming One
Healthy marriages are part of God’s design, and God’s design is best. When two people come together and pursue oneness, God is honored, and the couple is blessed. Join us for this three-part series that delves into what biblical marriage looks like, misconceptions about Christian marriage — including “happiness” in marriage — and grace and compromise in marriage. God has more for you. Come and learn how to become one in your marriage as you follow the Holy Spirit’s lead in your relationship.

Alpha and Omega
Join us as we explore the reality and implications of Jesus’s resurrection found in Revelation 1 and learn how His resurrection should instill in us a desire to reflect His light in our daily lives.

Sharing Hope
Christianity began with a small group of Jewish people in a backwater town 2,000 years ago and grew to become the largest faith group in the world. The Gospel spread quickly, and it continues to move and grow as faithful believers share the hope that is in them. Join us for “Sharing Hope,” a four-part series that explores the ways the Gospel creates hope and how that hope impacts our lives, our community, our church and our world.

Today’s world is ready and willing to tell us how we should think, feel and act. We are eager to conform to the world’s standards because we don’t want to stand out. But as Christians, we are called to be like Jesus, which means standing out. We should strive to live a life that is countercultural to the world’s pursuits, following the Gospel and allowing God to change the way we think and act. In 1 Corinthians, Paul instructed the people of Corinth to live counterculturally and break free from the immoral and divided lives they were living. The seven-week sermon series “Counterculture” delves into the model Paul provided the Corinthians to help them transform their lives, a model that holds true for us today as we seek to live counterculturally and live lives filled with love, peace, faithfulness and unity.

Jesus Is …
Who is Jesus? He is The Alpha and Omega, the Creator, the Door, the Great I AM, the Lamb of God, the Vine, the Word and our Hope and Deliverer. We know these to be truth, but some say Jesus was just a prophet, a teacher, a man. Others say He was a liar, a lunatic and a fraud. Throughout history, people of all ages and ethnicities across the world have had a lot to say about who Jesus is. But what about you? Do you see and know Him for who He says He is and what He has done? Have you received Him into your life and are you trusting and loving Him above all else? Learn who the Scriptures say Jesus is in this eight-week series.

Soul Reflection
As human beings, we deal with a variety of emotions and issues every day. From anxiety and depression to fear and loneliness, life can get the better of us. So, how do we prepare ourselves when overwhelming thoughts invade our minds and souls? “Soul Reflection” is an eight-week series that will shed light on what the soul is and help us understand that how we nurture and care for our souls plays a pivotal role in how we view our circumstances and the world around us. The series will also explain how just like nature, our souls fluctuate through four seasons: renewal and nourishment (spring), beauty and warmth (summer), productivity coupled with exhaustion (fall) and weariness and cold (winter). Despite the ebbs and flows, however, one constant remains—our hope is in Jesus Christ.

He is Risen
Join us the first three weeks of April as we focus on Jesus’ death and resurrection and what that means for us.

Live Free: Galatians Part 2
In “Set Free,” part one of the Galatians series, birth truth—we are justified by faith alone in Jesus Christ alone—was explored in thorough defense of the one and only true Gospel message. In part two of the series, “Live Free,” we will delve into identity truth—we are children of God—and the profound freedom we have in Christ Jesus. Christian liberty, which is derived from these two truths, is the fertile ground on which we can live in the fruit of the Spirit. If we live a Spirit-controlled life by faith in the sanctifying grace of God, we don’t have to return to the bondages of this world. We hope you will join us for this eight-part series and come with open hearts and minds and the desire to live free in Christ Jesus.

Relational Evangelism
Have you ever wanted to share the Gospel with someone but couldn’t do it? What holds you back? What are you afraid of? We need to remove those fears because Jesus commands us to love one another, and sharing the Good News of Jesus is one of the most loving things we can do. Join us Sunday mornings for “Relational Evangelism,” a four-part sermon series that includes honest conversations about what holds us back from sharing the hope of the Gospel. The series will also cover how God can use all of us, no matter how broken we think we may be, to spread his Word and how we can intentionally build sustainable relationships with others as a first step to sharing the Good News.

Through Christ
We are in Christ, and we are called to live through Him. Christ and our identity in Him should affect every aspect of our lives – our role within the church, our witness in the world, our closest relationship (marriage & family), etc.
In the first 3 chapters of Ephesians, we learned what it means to be In Christ. Now, as we dive into the last 3 chapters, we’re going to learn what it means to put that truth into practice. Join us for our 10-week series, Through Christ.

Greater Rewards
Discipline is often strived for at the start of the new year. But motivation and discipline are two very different things. Do you fall back into patterns of choosing what you want now over what’s best for you in the long run? Don’t lose hope. There is a Greater Reward waiting for you. Discover how to let go of the status quo and stay focused on who God says you are and what He wants for your life. This January we will study spiritual disciplines and how they can strengthen your walk with Christ and your relationships with others.