Sermon Topic
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Goodness of God
Reflecting on God’s goodness for Founding Pastor Denny Wilson. This is Denny’s last sermon before retiring after 30 plus years of ministry.

Silent Night
Silent Night is a four-part advent sermon series that explores the quiet yet profound ways in which God prepares the world for the coming of the Messiah. Each week, we will look at Old Testament prophecies that reveal God’s heart for healing, leadership, wonder, and righteousness. These sermons will guide us through the silence before Christ’s birth, reminding us that God is always at work, even in the quiet, preparing His people for redemption and peace.
Through these texts, we will see that the humble beginnings of Jesus’ arrival were foretold in the promises of the prophets, revealing a God who heals, reigns, amazes, and redeems. As we journey through this series, we are invited to reflect on how God’s light shines in our own silent nights, and how He breaks into our world to bring hope and transformation.

Return of the King
In our six week series on the book of Revelation, we explore the promise of love and redemption and… the return of the King.

When Jesus entered the holy city of Jerusalem, He was met with crowds who proclaimed Him King. They waved palm branches and shouted, “Hosannah in the highest.” By the end of the week, those same people were shouting for His crucifixion. Join us for three weeks of reflection on Jesus’ death and resurrection, the core of the Christian faith.

Down to Earth
Christ was fully God and fully man. John 1 tells us “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” Jesus was God incarnate. He came down to earth because of His great love for a world desperately in need of a Savior. Join us for the eight-week series “Down to Earth” as we delve into John 1–12 and explore Jesus’s character and ministry so we can truly understand that Christ’s divinity and humanness define who we are in Him. Learn how His life and teachings should instill in us the desire to grow in our spiritual disciplines (Bible reading, evangelism, gratitude, memorization, prayer, serving, etc.) so we can better see the world through His eyes and respond to the Holy Spirit’s guidance to share the hope of the Gospel with a hurting world.

Truth over Tradition
How often have we been so blinded by traditions we overlook the truth behind them? Traditions can range from giving gifts on Christmas morning and watching fireworks displays on the Fourth of July to the celebration of baptism and the sacrament of Holy Communion. Join us this Sunday, July 2, as Pastor Sam Peña shares from John 5 to help us understand how God’s truths are deeper than any tradition.

Easter Series
Celebrate Easter with us and learn how the journey of Jesus’ life, death, resurrection, and final commands changed everything. Experience joy regardless of circumstances, freedom from comparison, and an everlasting love that is changing the world forever!

Light Of The World
“The Word become flesh.” That phrase is more than just a good introduction to the central figure of the New Testament. God himself did actually come to Earth as a baby. The Christmas story has been heard in countless languages over thousands of years. However, another question often goes unsettled. Why did He come? Why did He do it? God chose the fragile and tiny vessel of an infant to rescue a planet. Why pierce the darkness of a broken world by using the life of a delicate child?

Gratitude. What would it look like for us to understand and acknowledge all that we have to be thankful for? What would happen if we started our day, every day, with a heart filled with gratitude and thanksgiving? This week we will look into God’s word and reflect on how to grow in our expression of gratitude even in hard times.

In Christ
Who we are and where we belong are questions we all wrestle with. People find answers to those questions in many different places: work, friends, possessions, performance, etc. But the truth can only be found in knowing who we are in Christ.

. . .so that. . .
Have you ever considered why you are here? Not in some new age-y, abstract way, but in a why are you in this community, during this time in history, with these relationships, doing the things you do, being part of this church kind of way?

Life Together
The relationships we experience with others has the biggest impact on our individual lives. The people we are spending our time with, says a lot about our direction, choices and priorities. We don’t always consciously think about how our friends and family speak into our life and choices or how we may be speaking into theirs. We just heard a series of messages about choosing to live life on purpose, more specifically His Purpose for us.

On Purpose
Repent. It means more than just confessing our wrongdoing, we are also called to turn away and walk the opposite direction.

Acts – To the Ends of the Earth
Why did the earliest followers of Jesus continue to gather after His death, resurrection, and ascension? And why is the Church referred to as the “Body of Christ?” Join us for a new series, Acts; To the Ends of the Earth and learn how Jesus’ final teachings and the presence of the Holy Spirit created a diverse, multi-ethnic, international movement of generous worshippers and messengers that continues to invite people to experience God’s love, healing presence, and purpose even today.

The Way
No matter the circumstances in our world, we still have so much to be grateful for… Easter is the pinnacle celebration of that truth. We may have troubles in this world, but take heart in knowing Christ has overcome the world, and He is still on the throne extending that offer of grace and power and love to us today and everyday!

Paradise Lost
Earthquakes, fires, hurricanes… Political strife, wars, disease, suffering… Death. It doesn’t take long to see and experience, whether in nature or humanity, our world is broken. But, if we read scripture, should it surprise us? And, maybe more importantly, what do we do with that answer – do we have a responsibility to change it? Join us for a new series about one of our foundational truths; examining the struggles of our world and the problems evident in human nature, to learn from the past and find hope for the future reflected by the divine image we were created in and the eternal purpose we were given.

When we’re overwhelmed, confused, or off-track, do we just stay there? No. Most of the time, we recognize we need to make some changes to get back on track. We need a reset. How about the Church? If we know that God’s truth does not change, should the Church change? Join us for a vision casting message as we look at some changes for WCC going into 2021. We’ll talk about each of our roles and responsibilities for equipping and empowering the body to grow in maturity and to share the hope of the Gospel. But, to get there, it may require a bit of a RESET.

This Is What We Do
Have you ever heard someone say, “this is what we do,” when describing the actions of a group or organization? How about the sayings, “actions speak louder than words,” or “it’s not just what we say, but what we do that defines us?” In a business sense, this is often described as someone’s “brand” – it’s not just their logo, but the entire experience someone has in their interactions with them that impacts the brand and their reputation.

The Promise
Where did Christmas really begin? If God’s nature does not change, then it began in the Old Testament. Throughout history, in the harshest conditions, from wars and famines, through political unrest and everything in between, He’s had our redemption in mind all the time. Hundreds of prophecies foretell the story. His and ours. Jesus isn’t just part of the story, He’s the entire story. The past, the present, and the future are His invitation to the ultimate gift. Will you accept The Promise? Join us for a series leading up to Christmas as we discover just how far and wide God has persistently gone to offer hope and share His love for us.

From Graves to Gardens
From Graves to Gardens, as we explore three crucial chapters in Romans that not only provides hope for our new identity in Christ, but also highlights the process that takes place through the transforming work of the Holy Spirit, which results in true spiritual growth and life change.

Joy Remains: The Book of Philippians
Are you troubled by the news or exhausted by life’s current circumstances? Maybe you’re somewhere in the middle, tip-toeing around your pain, just wondering where your happiness went?

In John 17 Jesus prayed that we would be one – united in Christ. In times like these, how do we continue to love God and love others – together?

It doesn’t matter how big or small the waves are, we all need to be anchored to avoid drifting. In times of uncertainty, everyone needs to reach out. But to whom will you reach? What can provide the certainty, the safety, and security we desperately long for? As we continue to work through both the personal and collective struggles of a global pandemic, join us for a new series designed to help you discover truth and hope, as we learn how to be anchored in the midst of the storm.

Easter 2020
Celebrate Easter with us and learn how the journey of Jesus’ life, death, resurrection, and final commands changed everything. Experience joy regardless of circumstances, freedom from comparison, and an everlasting love that is changing the world forever!

Palm Sunday
What can happen in a week? A lot, right?! We’re experiencing that firsthand now. But as bad as it may seem, do you trust that God is still at work? Join us Sunday for a new message that will not only help point us to the good news of Easter, but recognize God’s constant work in our world. We’ll look at the events surrounding Palm Sunday – one of the most chaotic and yet important weeks in all of human history to see how God worked in the midst of it, and how we can recognize His work today.

Sacred Practices
God designed us to be in relationship with Him and others. But, relationships need time and growth. So, how do we get there? Growth isn’t necessarily simple, and it doesn’t always come easy. In fact, the best seasons of growth may come after the hardest circumstances. Regardless, to develop a skill takes practice. When it comes to our spiritual health, it’s the same way. As we practice, we develop skills, we grow, and what once felt unnatural or clumsy, seems almost effortless. Join us for a new series, Sacred Practices, and learn the steps it takes to grow in your faith and how to develop the skills Jesus modeled for the disciples.

Answer The Call
Have you ever thought of the many parallels that exist between the field of battle and the mission field? By using stories from World War II and truth from God’s Word, we can better understand our individual roles and the role of the church in obeying The Great Commission. Join us for our annual Missions Week series, as we focus on the role of the sending church, unity of purpose, sacrifices on the home front, caring for missionaries, and the ultimate victory.

Right Where You Are
We often hear that God has a plan for us, or that we should follow the calling He has placed on our life. But what does that actually mean, and how do we even get there? For some, it may be taking steps right in the home, neighborhood, or workplace. For others, it may be on the other side of the state, country, or world. Join us for our new series, as we debunk the myths and define the steps to determining what God wants for you. Regardless, it requires taking those initial steps Right Where You Are.

The Grace of Giving
Jesus talks about money more than any other topic, but yet we often say, “God doesn’t need your money.” Why is that? And what do we actually mean by it? Join us for a new series, The Grace of Giving, as we look at the Biblical definition of generosity and how through it we can actually discover God’s best for us.

A Better Metric
Change is inevitable. We’re seeing it happen in our culture at a rapid pace. And yet, the truth of God’s Word does not change. It still is the most important message for our changing world. However, as the messengers of God’s grace, what the Church measures and the ways we reach people with that message must also change.

Sun Stand Still
Where did Christmas really begin? If God’s nature does not change, then it began in the Old Testament. Throughout history, in the harshest conditions, from wars and famines, through political unrest and everything in between, He’s had our redemption in mind all the time. Hundreds of prophecies foretell the story. His and ours. Jesus isn’t just part of the story, He’s the entire story. The past, the present, and the future are His invitation to the ultimate gift. Will you accept The Promise? Join us for a series leading up to Christmas as we discover just how far and wide God has persistently gone to offer hope and share His love for us.